Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Out to Austria

IMG_1155, originally uploaded by Theodor Foerster.

Finally we will leave for snowboarding to Austria. I bought a new snowboard just before chrismas. The left one is my new one. I am really proud of it and I am curious how it is going to perform in the snow. Will be back right after new year. Photos will be afterwards also on flickr.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Movie: Departed

After a long time I made it to go to cinema with a good friend. We saw Departed. It is a brilliant movie and even better than its original Infernal Affairs. I do not want to spoil words on that. Just watch the review on movie blog.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Lego styles....

Unbeatable. I love that video. I am not sure, if it is that famous, but in the Netherlands is pretty known. It is not the style of music, but the video rocks. Watch out the spinning turntables and the medieval party crowd... YEAH!

Monday, December 04, 2006

The BOX is dead

DAMN! The best dutch TV channel changed its program scheme. Since 1st December the BOX adopted a new program and plays now Nickelodeon and in the evening some comedy. I loved the channel before for its Rap and Reggae video stuff. I remember some days, when I watched some cool videos on the Box and the day turned to be a good one, no matter what else was happening. Even I loved the Netherlands because for this video music channel. The Box played stuff like EPMD's Da Joint, Luniz's I Got Five On It and supported Dutch Rap artists as Uniq or . Everything strictly classic!

But now the Box turned crap, except for sending non-dubbed South Park! I think about selling my TV!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Cool Picture

dive, originally uploaded by da_freerider.

Lying in bed and browsing flickr. Sometimes boring and non-sense. But this time I found a really cool picture. It is on the one side very powerful in colors but also technically brilliant. It catches just a great moment, awesome!